At Gentle Dentistry we are very lucky to work with an amazing dental technician to achieve the very best full and partial dentures. We use well established protocols and the very best materials and top quality lifelike teeth.
At your initial consultation we will be able to show you photographs and discuss all the options with you. Call now on 01202 432838 to book your appointment designed so that you can ask questions specific to your case, provide free unbiased advice, discuss estimates and recommendations for treatment
We don’t cut any corners therefore you will need to invest some time in coming to the practice and we will work closely with you to achieve the desired cosmetics, bite and function. We don’t finish dentures until you are totally happy with them. We often work from photographs you may have from when you had your own teeth and this helps us to achieve a ten years younger look.
We have also been making top quality gold partial dentures for 40 years. In our opinion these are far superior to both acrylic and chrome dentures. The benefits of these dentures are that they leave the palate free which provides the wearer with a much improved taste sensation as the taste buds in the palate are not shielded from flavours. They are a much more precise fit than either acrylic or chrome dentures, and they can be made thinner, therefore feeling less bulky in the mouth. They are also much stronger than other dentures.
Please call the practice to make an appointment for an initial consultation where we can discuss all the options with you and show you photographs of cases we have completed.